How to improve writing skills ! 4 tips to improve writing skill 2020

 How to improve your writing skill

HI guys  i am back with a new interesting lesson today in this article we are going to learn How to improve your writing skills in this article , In this article  I am going to tell you four important tips to improve your writing skills Remember not talking about hand writing  i am talking about writing when i say writing why writing ?Because writing is very important part of communication skills so today i am going to help you a little more improving your writing skills  right  you are a very good writer but today i am going to tell you little more about how to improve his writing skill so the my very first trick is ...

1) Do not use contractions !

what is the word contractions means ? contractions mean contracting your word i am writing some words which are example of contraction  words like Don/t  ,shouldn/t ,couldn/t ;wasn/t... and etc are some example of contraction words why i am telling you to avoid contraction words  you know contraction make my writing skill faster and i can finish my work faster yes that right  but look into example to understand  this , "i do not  want to attend the meeting," if you use here don/t here not make a beautiful voice so avoid using contractions so the lots of example are here to understand why you should not use the contractions word  

2) Avoid using {there is/there are}

lets see the next one which is avoid using  there is /there are  words lets take a example  to understand this why is asked you to avoid using {there is/there are }

"there is an exhibition at the hotel"

i would my sentence that look better i would do use those combination of words which make  my sentence looking sound voice better i will tell you who it be done now i am writing above sentence in another word

"The hotel is holding an exhibition"

the above sentence there is an exhibition at the hotel is giving an bad impression on the reader that method shows that the deficiency of your skills and looks like may be a kids or teenager write but when you wants to impress some one body by word and shows your ability and show that you know the grammar so while writing skill

"There are many problem in her class"

on the other hand the given sentence are looks like 

"Her class is facing class"

you see the above sentence are lengthy  as compare to below sentence so why i increase the length of sentence the many of both sentence is equal so avoid using "there are " words 

3) avoid using words - very, really,a lot;

In English language we used many words which are not required We simply say "very hot "
if  i say simply hot is it change  the meaning no we do not understand the meaning of word very we do not need to use it in every word but we do  who i can explain; for example  i say "many students think literature is very difficult " if i write simple "many students think literature is difficult" is there is any change in meaning no so why we add an extra word into my sentence
" the movie was really  controversial  " if i do not use really word is there is any changes no 
so do not use and extra words in your sentence 

4) use strong verbs

so the next tips is to use strong verbs in you sentence how to use strong  verbs lets take a example to understand how to use strong verbs 
"He gave assistance to my friend" 

so here what is gave ? on the above sentence the word gave is my verb and the word assistance is my noun so the above sentence is weak verb 
if write the some sentence in other words which have strong verbs 
"He assisted my friend "
Both the above sentence give the same meaning yes but in the below sentence the word assisted is my verb which are a strong word so try to always use strong verbs which are helpful to understand the meaning simple and quick

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